12. March 
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Epilepsy and first aid

 Here you find condensed but critical information on how to give first aid to epilepsy patients. 


  • If possible - place something such as a pillow, a compressed jacket or sweater under the victims head to avoid injury to the head.
  • Move the person to a safe place if the incident has occured on a stairway, in the street or another spot representing danger.
  • Don't restrain the person but place on the side in recovery postion to prevent choking and fluids reversing into the lungs if the person vomits. 
  • When the seizure is over place the victim in a non locked recovery position lying on the side.
  • Let the attack run its course. When the attack is over help the person to a more comfortable place.
  • Let the person rest or sleep for a while if he/she needs it.
  • Never put anything in the victims mouth to prevent tongue biting during the attack as this may do more harm than good.
  • If one seizure follows another without the person gaining consciousness in between - or if the attack lasts longer than five minutes - then get help.

 Complex partial seizures 

  • At first wait and see.
  • Stay with the person until consiousness is regained.
  • Make sure that the person has not been injured.

 Prepared in association with Danish centre for epilepsy research.


Read this article in Danish

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